DevotionsJanuary 27th, 2021

Job 12:7-10

By Jared Horn

Job 12:7-10

7 "Just ask the animals, and they will teach you. Ask the birds of the sky, and they will tell you. 8 Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you. Let the fish in the sea speak to you. 9 For they all know that my disaster has come from the hand of the Lord. 10 For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.

One of my favorite books in the Bible is Job. We find man who lost everything, but his faith and trust in God were unwavering. In this portion of scripture, we find Job answering his critics who have said that it was him who caused all these things to happen. He says to them ask the birds, the animals, the earth, or even the fish and they will tell you it was God. His next statement in verse 10 is so important, that God alone has everything in his hands. In the life of Job even though he lost everything, he still worshiped and praised God because he relayed in that fact, God alone is in control.

In life there are many variables, troubles, and trials. There is nothing that God does not know, nothing takes God by surprise. In God's hands is every living thing and breath of all mankind. So when you are sitting in your hunting blind, tree stand, or just on the ground and the sun starts to break over the mountains and the birds start chirping, animals start moving, and the sounds of nature are all around you this is never more evident, In His hands is life. So stand firm on that fact, it's truly a beautiful and peaceful picture.